Art Director | Designer
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The Pokot Collection

The Pokot Collection was created through proposed connection with SERRV's group the National Association of Women's Organizations in Uganda. This collection utilized traditional coil sewing basketry skills, and reinvented the purpose and form in order to bring their skills to a modern American market. This pendant collection acts as hanging art in the user's home by day, and creates a beautiful dappled lighting effect by night.

Because of my background in environmental sustainability, I wanted to integrate the plastic waste crisis of Uganda's major cities such as Kampala. I wanted to integrate plastic waste in a covert way, allowing the skills of the artisans to shine above the recycled content. 

Instead of using banana leaf stalks, as is traditional in Ugandan coil sewn baskets, I utilized plastic waste. This minor change would not require the artisans to learn an entirely new technique, but would give their new products a distinctive difference. 

I wanted to find a way to maintain a cultural identity within these modern pendants, so I chose to take color pallet and form inspiration from traditional cultural groups from Uganda. 

The basket halves would be woven in Uganda and then shipped to the US for assembly. Because of the plastic bags, the baskets are very light and could be flat packed and shipped at low cost. Upon arrival in the US, the LED strips and cord would be sewn in and the basket halves would be sewn together. 

The Pokot Collection addresses modern day waste with traditional craft techniques, and maintains a way for cultural craft to thrive in the modern marketplace.