The Piece As a living object
The Piece as a Living object was a collaborative effort between three teams: Curation, Design, and Registrar. I acted as the head designer, coordinating the design team and working closely with the artists (Ula Einstien, Ivan Stojakovic, and Michael Kukla) as well as the curation team.
The show created juxtapositions between each of the artists work as a way to generate conversation about how each artist interacted with the theme of the show differently. As a designer, I executed the placement in order for the narrative of the show to come alive within the viewer experience.
“I love the comparison between my [Einstein’s] piece and Kukla’s work. Both approach intimate interior spaces in different, yet somehow the same, way.”
Here, Kukla's massive piece juxtaposes Einstien's delicate patterning. This type of relationship was made to prompt the viewer to analyze how their experiences of intimacy differed between the pieces even though a similar surface was created.
“The conversation between Way, Shape, and Form and Green Point [S2 and S6] is really interesting, I [Kukla] didn’t expect them to speak to each other so much.”
A similar comparison was made between these works by Kukla and Stojakovic. By placing them across from one another the viewer was able to immediately register the comparison between the two works. This also led them into the circular floor plan that we had planned, a way for the physical experience in the space to mimic the shows cyclical concept.